Becoming More Journal

The Becoming More Journal is the process that Jo, Founder of Freckles, follows every single day. Over the past few months as she has prepared talks, written courses and developed nanny training courses she realised she was saying (well writing) the same thing over and over and thought why not design a journal that covers all the bits she does?

So here it is. The book (well practice) that can help you to change your life.

The journal covers 3 main principles; goals and dreams, I AM statements and gratitude. We are 5 times more likely to retain a piece of knowledge or belief if we write it down. So, the power of writing down our biggest dreams, our boldest I AM statements and the smallest of things that we’re grateful for, is incredible.

It is designed that each and every day you get up and make time for you and Becoming More in your life and being your best self so that you can raise children to be theirs. You can only Become More by focusing on your dreams, reinforcing your I AM statements and being truly grateful. All it takes is commitment and a little time each and every day.


In life we always have a choice, even if you think you don’t have a choice you do, because you can always choose how you react. You can choose your attitude, your approach and what you focus on.

You have to choose to put yourself first, to follow your dreams and to show up as the best version of YOU possible for yourself and for your children and that’s where the Becoming More Journal can help. It helps you to get clear on what you want and who you want to be, but always starting from a place of gratitude and it then gets you to focus on Becoming More of those things in your life.



These 8 dreams are the things that are written on your heart. They are the places you are heading to. They are your choices and they put you back in control.


These are the simplest and yet most powerful of statements. These are the statements about yourself, about the person that you want to be.


Joy comes from gratitude. To quote Oprah “if you focus on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough, if you focus on what you do have, you’ll always have more than enough.”

If you are grateful for what you have in your life you will experience joy and you will attract more of it into your life. Everything stems from a place of gratitude and the key to true gratitude is in noticing the littlest of things that you’re grateful for.

You must be grateful for the big things, but you have to learn to be grateful for the small things, to adjust your focus and see ALL of the amazing things that this life has to offer and is already giving you.

Becoming More Journal

Make time each and every day for you, so that Becoming More in your life is a priority. You must be your best self so that you can raise children to be theirs.