Dry January is SO irritating

If you mention to me that you’re doing Dry January you’re most likely to get an eye roll and a ‘for goodness sake not you as well’ sigh. 

Look I am all for giving up the booze, living more healthy and making the most of life BUT what I really cannot deal with is the fact that people really only give up booze in January. Seriously - what did January ever do to you?  And if you want to give up booze why don’t you do it in November? Or March or July? Or heaven forbid what about August? 


This is why… 

Because January is seen as the month to hunker down and be boring. 

But you’re not boring whether you drink or don’t drink. What makes you boring is the fact that you don’t think you can be fun (or have fun) without a drink. 

This is why I don’t like Dry January. 

I don’t like how people turn down invites to go things in January because there might be booze and they’ve given it up. Or they go and leave early. If you want to drink, then drink, but own it and be able to handle it and if you don’t want to drink, then don’t drink but don’t be a pee brain and not be able to have fun without it. 

I should probably also let you know that it’s my birthday in January. Which I have no doubt is part of the reason Dry January pee’s me off so much. 

Finally - don’t for one second think I'm not proud of you for giving up booze. I am. I am so DANG proud of you, but you are just as fun (if not more fun) without it than with it. What I’m saying is… is that you can still have a good time and be sober. 

Being sober doesn’t equal being boring.