Lesson 8 | Increasing Your Employability

I thought it would be remiss of me to run the #MakeYourBedChallenge and not go through *such* an important (if not slightly more boring 🤣) topic, but even though it is STICK WITH ME. It's week 8 and it's all about Increasing Your Employability 🙌

Let's face it, writing / editing / organising your CV and cover letter is absolutely NOT the dream BUT if you want to start living your dream life, being your best self and showing up as the number one you that there is, then you need to get this nailed. You NEED to smash your CV, you need to show the recruiter, company, family that YOU are the 'thing' they're missing.

Over the past 5 years I've learnt a TONNE about recruiting and I make decisions on people in less than 3 seconds. I was going to apologise for that. But I'm not. This is why your CV and cover letter are so important.

The #MakeYourBedChallenge is me showing up for you 👊. It's me sharing what I've learnt. I am so FREAKING PASSIONATE about you living your best life and showing up as the best version of you, so that you can raise and help raise children to be theirs, BUT this means you need to get that job. You need to smash that interview. You need to get in front of people.


Watch the 4 short Videos Below 👇

Part 1:

Introduction (5.17)

Part 2:

Applying (7.56)

Part 3:

Interviewing (10.23)


Part 4:

Enhance Your Employability (6.28)


This Weeks Challenge

Get your CV and cover letter sorted âœ…

  • download the example and template CV here (or via the image below 👇)

  • download the template cover letter here (or via the image below 👇)

In an ideal world (not sure what one of those is 🤣 BUT) you would update your CV every time you completed a new course, got a new job, finished some work experience, or received your grades. It makes it so much easier for when you are then applying for something. 

Remember your CV needs to lead with the experience most relevant to the job / opportunity that you're applying for. 


Example & Template CV 👇

Example CV & Template - image.png

Template Cover Letter ðŸ‘‡


p.s. the challenge is completely free. 12 weeks. 12 lessons. Each lesson is centred around personal development and positivity and I would LOVE to have you 💜 along for the ride if you want to get involved? You can sign up here and you’ll get each lesson in your inbox at 10am on Tuesdays.