Lesson 6 | Where Are You Going?
It's lesson 6 of the #MakeYourBedChallenge and it’s ALL about the question 'where are you going?' - a fired up, passion filled, debate inducing question. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It is NOT about having every step outlined, prescribed and scheduled. It's simply about acknowledging what is written on your heart and what you actually want. As in you. Not what:
👉 your parents want
👉 or your friends want
👉 or Janet down the road wants
👉 or even what society wants
The photo for this week is from Camp Bestival 2019.
💕 On the 3rd of January 2019, the most audacious dream I could think of was to take a team of Festival Nannies to a festival. Just to make a point, Festival Nannies where not a thing. I literally made the term up.
💕 6 months later I took a team of 10 Festival Nannies and 25 staff to Camp Bestival.
When I wrote down that dream I had NO IDEA how I was going to get there. I didn't know the steps or the route but over the weeks and months I started to notice things, my subconscious pushed me towards things and we got there. I figured things out. We jumped through so many hoops. Ultimately, I achieved that dream 🙌 (and you can achieve your dreams too)
And just to make it super clear - NO ONE else will EVER care about your dreams as much as you. So if you don't go after them, then who will?
Watch the 3 Videos Below 👇
Part 1:
Intro (6.44)
Part 2:
Going After Your Dreams (6.48)
Part 3:
This Weeks Challenge (10.23)
This Weeks Challenge
8 Dreams
Use the download (here or opposite 👉) to work out the B's in your roadmap.
Don't let the constraints of society or the views of other people hold you back. These dreams are yours.
FYI: NO ONE else will EVER care about your dreams as much as you. So if you don't go after them, then who will?
p.s. the challenge is completely free. 12 weeks. 12 lessons. Each lesson is centred around personal development and positivity and I would LOVE to have you 💜 along for the ride if you want to get involved? You can sign up here and you’ll get each lesson in your inbox at 10am on Tuesdays.